Dear Customer,
Welcome to our Canadian gas-delivery service! As you get settled in our area, it's important to understand how our weather impacts your gas usage. We measure our Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) in pounds, and our containers come in various sizes – 20, 30, 40, and 100 pounds. Our company has standardized on 40-pound containers, a typical size for residential use, to ensure consistency and convenience for our customers.
If you’re new to our region, you might be unfamiliar with the amount of gas required for different weather conditions. Here’s a guide to help you estimate your gas needs:
Our delivery schedule adapts to the changing seasons. While it's influenced by each household’s storage capacity and safety regulations, a typical scenario involves deliveries every 2-4 weeks. Depending on your usage, we usually deliver 2-4 bottles (80-160 pounds) at a time. In summer, we might schedule less-frequent deliveries with fewer bottles, while in winter, we often increase both the frequency and the number of bottles delivered to meet the higher demand.
We hope this information helps you plan your gas usage effectively. Our team is here to ensure you have a comfortable and worry-free experience, no matter the season.