Sample Consultation Using Fuzzy Logic: Inputs

This is the duplex version of the simple expert system which predicts investment attractiveness (IA) from annual revenue growth (ARG). It contains one knowledge base with one rule from that system, which I have worsened. It contains another knowledge base with a version of that improved by computer evolution. It runs your input on both rules and compares the results.

The single, worsened, rule is:
  if arg be low then ia:=attractive .
This is obviously silly. So the point of the computer evolution was to see whether it could improve the rule, bringing it back closer to something sensible such as "if arg be high then ia := attractive".

Run the system in the same way as the others I have linked to. Use the input field to enter a new value. For this system, which is in its very early days, I suggest seeing how it performs with values of ARG around 10%. Values much further away won't match the original rule. Obviously I'll fix this as I improve the knowledge base and the evolution.

Once you have input your value, press the Submit button. This will send back a new page with estimates for the output variable investment attractiveness, using the original and improved rules.

Please note that there may be a short delay. The system generates explanations of its reasoning, and these contain a lot of graphs. Plotting them takes a little time.

Annual revenue growth (%)